Tuesday, June 6, 2017

I'm still here (and there)! But...where am I, and am I connected to you?

Have I mentioned how difficult it has proven to regularly chronicle my journey here? Reasons have varied. Here is my favorite: my ratio of living to reflecting biases itself heavily toward living lately, and I do not regret that this eats into my navel-gazing time (I had this thought on 5/30).

Here are a couple of other, less-favored reasons for my dearth of posts in the last week

I wonder whether I say anything that people don't already know, or that they want/need to hear. I have a long, private journal entry reflecting on the embarrassing limits of my ability to extend my perspective into other people's experience. To empathize, to truly feel compassion.

For about a week, while I was still in Spain, I chewed on a very distasteful discovery that my mind automatically relegates anything I do not personally comprehend as stupid.

I put this bluntly on purpose. It is an uncomfortable realization and needs to be stated in a properly uncomfortable way. My mind doesn't say, "I don't understand this." When my ears hear a foreign language, when I "listen" to someone talk from a position I'm unfamiliar with, something almost imperceptible happens in my brain: a little switch is pulled and the train on which that information approaches my station is instead diverted off a cliff into a canyon of inattention, to crash (and maybe explode) cartoon style, miles below. Instinctively I try to soften it by saying "inattention," but really it is worse than that...subconsciously my mind reduces to insignificance what I do not immediately comprehend.

Another angle permits access to this realization. When I talk passionately (as in this blog!), I instinctively speak as if I am the first person who ever had an idea, who ever experienced the phenomenon. I explain, I lecture, I preach.

Am I uniquely broken or offensive? Is this a tragicomic commonplace that binds us together? I have been working very hard to undo this impulse in my brain. Why, though, has it been a revelation to experience, a challenge to retain, the knowledge that every human being's interior is just as complex, reasoned, articulated as mine (and I do not here refer to vocabulary - I mean the texture and depth of human spirits and guts - lived consciousness)?

The serendipitous gift of staying in people's homes instead of hotels, which started as an economic decision but has become an experiential delight, has simultaneously brought this shortcoming to my attention and helped me to begin to heal it. To spend intimate day after day in the inner space of other people with lives that are at the same time very different and much the same as mine has begun to shatter and reassemble (hopefully into a lovely mosaic) some of my baser instincts.

Now, I know you are not just here for my navel-gazing, so here are some overdue pictures of La Alhambra. I will post about Milano soon...maybe I'll get to Barcelona eventually because it was nice - I don't want to disrespect it. :)

In the Alcazaba section, on top of Torre del Cubo facing north

Did you know that La Alhambra is cat heaven? I saw about two dozen

Panorama of Alcazaba section of La Alhambra, facing east
(maze-like structures are the Plaza de Armas: soldiers quarters)

Gardens in southwest area of fortress

Detail from an archway in Palacio del Partal

Palacio del Partal again

Palacio del Partal archway section.
The level of detail in the decorative carving is astonishing

View from Torre de la Cautiva (Tower of the Captive)

View of La Alhambra from Mirador San Nicolas
(in El Albayzin, the Muslim quarter of Granada)

View of La Alhambra from the rooftop terrace of the home where I stayed in Granada

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying reading your posts, hearing your thoughts, and witnessing your journey (both in the literal and metaphorical sense). Keep it up! ~Amber
