Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Regarding the evening of 5/25 - breathing deep with Sevillans

A young actress, originally from Sevilla, returned to study here. A local flamenco singer. Juevos con chorizo y pimientos, también con vino blanco.

Now here is what I have been wanting more of, amidst all of my sightseeing. First a long, fun and educational conversation with one of my hosts in Madrid, then smart, flirty banter with my tour guide Concepción, and now on this evening of the 25th going out for a riverside walk and late dinner with some new friends.

Okay, the night did not turn out precisely how I expected or, dare I say, hoped, but it was very nice all the same. For an hour it was just the friendly woman and I, taking our time, trading smiles and broken phrases of one another’s languages, then we were joined by her flamenco friend and passed several more pleasant hours - if slightly disorienting, due to the density of Spanish being spoken.

In the course of the evening I learned that Sevillans touch a lot (I need to befriend more Sevillans), and that when I really like something I should use encantar, rather than amar. It caused quite a bit of laughter when I “amo”-ed something. Good to know!

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